Sunday, February 25, 2018

We picked a name!

We took the rest of the week and the weekend to think about a name. Tom got out of the shower and asked, "What about Brook?"

It is perfect. I had immediately thought of a river, but was really thinking of a small river aka a brook. So that is the name we will go with!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


I brought home a puppy! After we lost Hazel, I got into the habit of checking the humane society for puppies. This morning when I checked, there was a litter of retriever mix puppies. This little gal caught my eye. I called to see if they were still there and they were. I left from work to visit. I visited with her and another female from the litter. As soon as I took this one out, she placed her paw over my wrist as I was petting her. I was smitten. I brought her to meet Tom at work and he's still not sure about the whole puppy thing. 
We haven't named her yet. I immediately think of a river when I see her coloring, but Tom is hesitant about the name.