Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chips or Tags?

I have been considering ID chips for both Versace and Hazel just a little bit for quite some time now but haven't gathered much information.

For a while I didn't want to register Hazel because of all the horror stories about pit bull type dogs taken away from their families as a result of law changes in their communities. Don't watch those documentaries. They're horrifying. I pray everyday that we are far enough advanced that a situation like that is unlikely. I have my doubts though :/ But I mentioned this to the Vet one day, and I felt silly for asking in the first place. I felt even sillier by the vet, the vet tech, and the secretary's reactions. I am not sure that they had ever heard any of those stories. They reassured me that Hazel being registered would not lead to her being taken from me and that pit bulls were not banned in our community. I still feel like I need to look into this further/ ask around some more. I still feel slightly uncomfortable about it. It's hard not knowing anyone in this community.

I guess that's sort of along the lines of identification in that an ID chip may indicate registration and other information BUT ANYWAYS...

I saw this video today. Got me thinking again about ID chips.

I am also more concerned because Versace has been outside more and more lately. Without claws, she shouldn't be... but I can't deny her mewing at the screen door. Especially on weekends when I am enjoying my coffee with Tom and Hazel on the deck. It feels awful enough leaving her on weekends and not being able to take her with us like we do Hazel. SO she comes out and has been getting brave about exporing under the deck and around the flower gardens. NOT that I would intentionally ever leave her out there or leave her unattended for long, but I worry about forgetting her out there, about her getting brave and running off, about a visitor thinking she's an outdoor cat (her mewing is determined and convincing that she belongs outside) and letting her out of the house.

AND I seem to loose Hazel's rabies tag every time I change her collar. I set the ID and rabies tags to the side waiting for Tom to transfer the ring (my nails are weak and can't pry the ring open enough) and forget about it for a while. Then it's lost for good :(

ALSO her tags ching chinging drives me crazy. I hate that sound. Especially at night when I am sleeping. It wakes me up EVERY TIME she scratches or changes position!

An ID chip seems convenient, but invasive. And again, I'm paranoid, thinking that it would grant agencies information about my animal(s) that they might misuse. I need to find more information out. I would like to hear from others who have used the ID chips.

Do you use chips or tags?

In case the link above doesn't work, here's the video:

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