"When are you going back to school?"
I almost choked when he asked. As a first generation college student, I had faced a lot of barriers to getting my diploma. Although I achieved wonderful grades, it was not easy for me. Maybe the second time around wouldn't be so bad, but I felt like I needed the experience to settle, before getting back into it.
Lately, I've been pretty unhappy with my work. Unfortunately, you can ready lots about that in earlier posts. So, today I was looking for other positions, again, and again, was agitated by looking for work in schools. Sure it's great to have summer's off, but really? I just can't fathom that idea right now. Not with the experiences I have had in the school systems so far. I began looking at other tyoes of positions. I literally began a search by typing into Google,
"English degree jobs."
Some came up for Editorial Directors. Some pretty heavy stuff. Again, discouraged. I still consider myself learning and became anxious about how I would feel confident going into an interview for a job I had NO IDEA how to do. There's that whole, you'll learn as you go, you'll be trained, you'll be great because you have vision and experiences you can take from, yada, yada. But, no. Just no. I also considered how my resume format would have to be changed. It has been revamped several times, and I still feel like it is inadequate. Why else would I not be getting calls back for positions I KNOW I am qualified for?I was freaking out.
Not to mention, the damn search engines that pull up the job description and application information are phony. They want you to enter your personal information, upload crazy documents, tell them about yourself, and then SUBSCRIBE to their service. As if they are doing the work for you by giving you the information for the job. Given these companies probably pay for the positions to be posted, why are you then being charge to learn how to apply?!? Just doesn't sit well with me. I was trying to then Google job search engines, to see if there were any no obligation, no subscription, no fees, easy to manipulate engines, when I though of GVSU's old LakerJobs. I wondered if it was still there.
Sure enough, it is! It had become so easy for me to "forget" about it. I had maintained the same job throughout college, so I didn't have to utilize it very much. Although I am not going back to school to attend courses, I am going back to GVSU to begin my job search. Which is where I should have started long ago (i.e. directly after graduation.)
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